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June 20, 2016
Why everybody should have a Amethyst Crystal with them? Everybody loves Amethyst for its looks but very few people actually knows the benefits comes with this powerful stone.
Either you keep one around you in the form of Amethyst Lamp , Amethyst Candle Holder or Amethyst Point whatever you can afford or convenient for you as per your space having one is very important.
Worlds Largest Amethyst deposits are located in Brazil. There are few in Bolivia, Canada and India but Brazilian Amethyst is considered as the post pure and effective. Amethyst is considered as a birth stone of month of February so most people born in this month are more attracted to this crystal.
Some of the key benefits of Amethyst Crystal are as follow.
Attracts good luck & Love.
Considered as a " Stone of Power"
Remove Negative Energies around you.
Bring Peace, calm, balance and inner strength.
Helps relieve headache, insomnia & Fatigue.
Heals the third eye chakra.
Emits negative Ions.
Attracts Positive energies.
The myth of the foundation of amethyst arrives to us from a Greek legend. Dionysius, the god of intoxication, was enraged one day by an abuse from a person and swore to take revenge. Violent tigers would fulfill his wish. Amethyst, a attractive youthful girl coming to pay honor to the goddess Diana was to become the victim. Diana turned Amethyst into a statue of pure crystalline quartz to save her from the tigers' brutal claws. Dionysus wept tears of wine in regret for his action at the sight of the gorgeous statue. The god's tears stained the quartz purple, creating the famous gem.
In the end lets study the benefits of Amethyst Crystal one more time. Amethyst boosts hormone, alters the endocrine system and metabolism. It supports the immune system, eases pain and improves the body to fight against cancer. It terminates nasty tumors and helps in tissue restoration. Cleans the blood. Eases physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress. Amethyst eases headaches and reliefs tension. It eases bruising, swellings, injuries, and treats hearing disorders. Amethyst heals diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders and diseases of the digestive tract.